The SDC helpdesk is not only very friendly, the customer service employees are also very accessible in various ways and for all kinds of different topics.
If you don’t understand how something works on the website, get stuck somewhere, discover a bug, having trouble logging in, discover a faker / fake profile, are bothered or stalked by another SDC member, want information about a swingers holiday destination or a swingers trip, or you have a question about your account or a payment, in all those cases (and more) you can easily contact the SDC help desk.
Contact options
You can contact the online help desk in the following ways. In most cases this should be done in English, but there also many local help desk employees which can help you in another language or in your own. By telephone, you usually will get an English speaker on the line, so by phone most of the time you can’t talk in your own language.
Over the phone
Telephone number for International callers: + 1-866-417-9956
Telephone number USA (or if the other number does not answer): + 1-919-283-4414
Office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am-4:30pm
Usually the telephone conversations will be in English.
Via the email
Email address: [email protected]
You can simply e-mail them in English or you can write in your own language.
Via the profiles on the site
As soon as you log in to the site you will see all profiles of all users online sorted by distance. However, at the very top, often there are first 4 SDC helpdesk members, see the image below.

In case you do not see these profiles at the top, you can also find them via the profile name search function. For example, you can search for helpdesk, accounting, etc.
SDC helpdesk
This is one of the customer service points. In our case we see a help desk located in a local country in Europe, but when you log in, you will probably see a different one which is closer to you. If you are not sure whom to ask your question, you can always use this help desk as the first point of contact. In most cases they can help you directly or forward your question. For example, if you need an SDC bracelet, they can quickly arrange that for you.
Accounting staff
Do you have a question about your membership e.g. you want to upgrade, renew, terminate or temporarily stop your membership? Or do you have a problem with a payment or some doubts about certain account settings? In all those cases, Accounting is the right service desk for you.
Travel staff
You can write to this travel customer support desk in case you want information or have questions about a swingers vacation, swingercruise or travel payment.
Party help desk
In addition to the four SDC helpdesk member profiles that are listed in the profile overview, there also is a Party help desk. You can find this by typing Party in the search menu. The party helpdesk will appear as the first profile. You can approach the party customer service for questions and promotion of clubs, parties, events and groups.
Our experience with the SDC Helpdesk
The SDC helpdesk and customer service support can be reached in many ways. The possibility to approach the SDC customer service via the profile, just like you approach other members, is very accessible and works extremely well. They are customer-friendly and they aim to reply within 24 hours. In practice, this is often much faster. A big advantage is that the help desk is multilingual and can therefore also be approached in many languages, after which they can often speak to you quickly and professionally.